
My latest book –

cover_3Perfect Friends in Paris  to be released late fall, 2016.

Come join these two best friends as they discover Paris and make it their own!  Together, they spread their wings and their creativity across the city with color and delight.  Inventive, curious, and creative, these best friends truly paint the town!

Books in Progress . . .

Other characters and stories are also developing before my eyes . . . characters who are starting to dance on the pages and seem to say, “Me first!  Develop me first!”  So, they all come skipping across the drawing table.  Which one do I choose?

The creative process is seldom linear, so they all take their turns vying for my attention, introducing themselves, and taking on a life of their own . . .

a mouse or two, a couple of cats, a hedgehog, an airplane, a pika, a flamingo. . . they all just insist on exploring the world and being themselves.  Ah, yes . . . and two more little dogs . . .

and sprinkled in between . . . a memoir of Greece.

Can’t help it.

This is what I love to do . . . write, illustrate, teach . . . life is good!

Three books are in the finishing stages and scheduled for 2017, when all of these little characters will finally be able to strut their stuff!


All of my books help animals in need of protection!

paris sunset