Cartagena, South America


P3250355How could you NOT get color and design ideas in this beautiful place?!

We learn so much from cultures that have used exquisite color unabashedly for generations.  A mustard colored wall with a scrumptious teal blue door–the white trim and red geraniums complete it!

More mustard with bright red accents–even in the mundane on the street, where the pigeons are happy and well fed.  I see another scene to paint!

A French blue balcony with a deep orange wall–pink, yellow, and lavender flowers spill over the white trim–colorful flower carts.  I’ll be giving many color tips in upcoming blogs!


Posted on March 25, 2010 : 12:16 pm Comments (0)
Filed under News & events

Snowed In for 4 Days!


The morning after a new snowfall is always so exquisite.  Where I live, we enjoy it for a few days, and then it’s gone.  But this time was different.  Snowed in for 4 days with no power or water.  Now that’s REAL camping!




Posted on December 9, 2009 : 1:56 pm Comments (0)
Filed under News & events

The Neighbors Come Calling!


My cat was transfixed at the window, so I had to join him to see what he saw–and there was my neighbor’s peacock strutting around.  What magnificence!  What an amazing, natural creation–just astounding.  Look at the deep, electric blue neck!


And sometimes, the “girls” come to call from next door!


Can you just imagine these characters in a book?

Posted on June 12, 2009 : 1:53 pm Comments (0)
Filed under News & events


10.08-12.09 005

Fall in Oregon is always spectacular.  But this little town near Portland was afire with color, as was Portland.  What a beautiful city.  To approach it from the south on the freeway, you see this gorgeous city nestled in a hill to your left, ablaze in golden yellow.  An amazing place to spend Halloween–true fall colors everywhere!  And of course, the air is always so rejuvenating.  I love Portland.

Posted on November 1, 2008 : 1:52 pm Comments (0)
Filed under News & events